We worked closely with Las Olas to prepare the rebranding, from guiding with strategic decisions to come across like the brand they aspire to be to help shape the platform to do so. Our team executed the full redesign and rebuild of the webshop to create something unique and in line with the client’s new identity.
Overall, the whole website is much more engaging. We incorporated interactive elements and videos that highlight the product ingredients in a fun way. Parallax scrolling is used across the whole site for a more seamless and smooth navigation. We made adjustments to the logo and imagery which now look more contemporary and fresh.
The fashion approach is felt throughout with the way content is displayed and the way content is shot. The focus on community and lifestyle imagery is more prevalent than that of the product itself. A dedicated “collab” section on the website gives more depth to the brand experience. The “About” page introduces Sam and the brand in a way that often fashion brands share their founder/brand story. The product pages also resemble a PDP of a clothing brand and feature reviews from customers.
It’s a webshop that captures your attention and makes you want to stay on it, whether or not you buy the bottle of rum or not. However, we also improved the purchase process making it more attractive to shop since that’s also a crucial part of the business.